Tuesday, August 17, 2010

look and see

Kawaiaha'o ChurchI noticed that I like to take photos of the sun peeking out from behind things. Back in January, I went to see the Hawaiian Flag Quilt exhibit at the Mission Houses. Across the street is the famous Kawaiaha'o Church. Built in the late 1830s, is constructed of coral rock from the reef offshore. A impressive site to see if you are in the area.

Kawaiaha'o Church gate
Anyway...while looking for alphabet charts, I came across this website. It's been around for awhile and I always wanted to create one for myself. You really have to be observant to catch letters created by nature, but if it's placed very prominently on a gate at eye level... how can you miss it? I saw this as I was leaving the church grounds. I'll have my camera out on my next vacation to snap some alphabet shots. Maybe I'll find enough to create some gifts for Christmas...

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